Below is the current lightouse report for the template app-contract-list
The user's timezone can't be detected by a ReST call itself.
The client's public IP addresses we can be used in combination with ReST service to find a rough location.
When a client logs into the system, the client's timezone is passed as a parameter in the ReST call /v1/auth/login/{username}.
The web pages that use the library jstz to detect the timezone and then does log-in via ReST. We remember the user's timezone in the database session record.
To enable spell checker, the package 'aspell' needs to be installed on the server side. TinyMCE calls a web service 'v1/spell' to check spelling and store words in the user's dictionary.
Below are all the standard RESTful web services and how to use them.
To set up a new API key for a ReST service:-
The demonstration system can be used to try out the ReST services.
To set up Google Analytics tracking of your web site.
All databases are backed up and transferred off site nightly.
As part of the document storage process files have a SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) hash calculated and then the files are compressed and encrypted. The SHA-1 and the encryption keys are stored in the client's database. The compressed encrypted documents are stored on multiple file server nodes in the cluster. Each night the encrypted documents are replicated off site.
You can view all the ReST services and their details via CMS/RESTful API
You can also try or edit a ReST service here
To set up a sanity check for a ReST service, click the "Edit" button, and go to "Sanity" tab
Click "Add" button to add a new sanity check or click one check to edit it.
Enter the additional path, and all parameters, the results section will show you the response status and response JSON
Click "Add" button in the "Checks" section to add one check for this sanity check. Enter the JSON Path you'd like to