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    Does the system mask sensitive information from log files like credit card numbers

    Logs data can be masked based on Java regular expressions. (

    Example -  mask credit card number from log files or mask only the password from connection URL.

    String like: My master card number number "4444333322221111" will be masked to "My master card number number "****************"

    String like: "" will be masked to "nigel:******"




    by:Liam Itzhaki - 11 Mar 2013
    Does stSoftware offer guaranteed time-frames for new projects, modifications and enhancements?

    stSoftware can use the Waterfall project methodology which locks down business requirements and scope at the start of the project and enables set time frames with guarantees. We prefer to use the Agile project methodology as it is increasingly recognised as providing better outcomes with shorter project times and lower costs to client as overheads are reduced.

    With Agile projects the client and the vendor teams work closely together on smaller deliverables. This collaborative environment reduces

    by:Tina Odling - 11 Mar 2013