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    Testing Simplified

    The new Test tab is now available in the CMS and makes the testing process simple and easy. This incredibly useful tool allows the developer of a site to easily debug their product.  The Test Tab utilises QUnit Testing which is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework.


    The Test tab is located in the top menu when creating a new CMS website page. Under this tab there is the title 'Setup'. This is where you can create tests. To create a test simply click 'Add' located down the bottom of the screen

    by:Harry Shaw - 14 Sep 2018
    What changes to the SPF record are required to send emails via stServer?

    The standard email gateway for sending emails is Amazon Simple Email Service

    If your domain has configured an SPF record you will need to include the domain

    For example:- 

    "v=spf1 -all"


    by:Nigel Leck - 3 Apr 2018
    Does stSoftware perform Data Protection Impact Assessments?

    When implementing new processes which are likely to result in a high risk, stSoftware shall before the processing, assess the impact of the envisaged processing operations of the protection of personal data in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles. This assessment is to ensure the safekeeping of the data subjects personal information. The assessment will contain

    • A description of the processing operation and the purpose of this processing.
    • Evaluation of the necessity of the processing operation

    by:Harry Shaw - 5 Feb 2018
    Will stSoftware publicly notify of a Personal Data Breach?

    stSoftware takes pride in its security policies and ensures the highest security levels for our clients' data. In the unlikely case of a data breach, stSoftware will follow the Australian government guidance to notify the data breach.


    The notification form will contain

    • The nature of the breach, including categories, the approximate number of data subjects concerned and the approximate number of personal records concerned.
    • Name and contact details of the data protection officer. 
    • A description of the

    by:Harry Shaw - 5 Feb 2018
    How to call ReST services from Excel?


    All the data from a stSoftware server can be fetched via the standard ReST API, all the standard ACLs and validation rules are applied whether the data is access via the standard screens or via the ReST API

    by:Nigel Leck - 16 Aug 2017
    Progressive Web Apps: Best of both worlds

    Progressive Web Apps (PWA) offer faster, leaner cross platform (iOS/Android) app development with the look&feel of a native app but with the maintainability of a web site. PWA templates have been integrated into our CMS. PWA are a game changer for old native app development with it's lean low cost development life cycle, automatic security updates and rapid design tools. The user experience is smooth & consistent with offline access.

    Android L&F

    by:Nigel Leck - 28 Jun 2016
    Progressive Web Apps have been integrated into to CMS

    The CMS has now integrated support for Progressive Web Apps ( PWA)

    PWAs are reliable, fast, and engaging. They can be accessed when the user is offline or on unrelaible networks.


    by:Nigel Leck - 23 Jun 2016
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